Products & Services


Business Identity Products

There is power in effective marketing. Right or wrong, people are heavily influenced by their first impressions. A well-managed business identity campaign is a great way to help shape those first impressions.

Delivering solid first impressions is only part of the battle. Building a memorable brand identity requires consistency. Whether you need to print business cards and stationery or envelopes and folders, all your marketing materials need to convey a common theme that people will associate with your business.

Consistency is key and is well-managed at Tru Art. If you reorder a project, it will be printed with the same quality and care as your first order, making a consistent representation of your brand easy to achieve. We maintain information about the production of your project for a decade or more.

Whether you simply need to extend your message into additional brand identity products, or are starting from scratch, Tru Art Color Graphics can help!

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We understand that sometimes pictures aren't enough to make an educated decision. Feel free to request some samples:

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