Featured Projects

Business Identity Products

Iowa City Area Development Group

Client Need:

A group that provides economic development and workforce development services for primary sector companies in the Iowa City needed a unique Annual Report piece that serves multiple purposes. Not only should it look like no other, but it also needed to contain important information as well as have a place to store future information. We needed to find a way to help ICAD communicate their impact, influence and future plans, while also providing place to house additional "loose leaf" paper to be added throughout the year by its recipients.


ICAD's graphic designer, Robyn Hepker of Benson & Hepker Design came up with a special brochure/folder design. The designer knew exactly who could engineer and manufacture such a unique piece - Tru Art! The piece turned out to be a beautifully embossed folder with a 6-page brochure attached with twin-loop wire. All aspects of this incredible piece were manufactured in-house using Tru Art's extensive finishing capabilities. Robyn Hepker and our very own Kathy Gaulke worked together diligently to produce an incredible end-product for ICAD.

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